Saturday, June 18, 2011

Chris Beran- (Day 14) AGLOW with Neil Anderson, and Senator John A. Ballout, Jr. / Lebanese Restaurant

Today began with our breakfast with the senate. The turnout was a little less than expected but we had the opportunity and privilege to meet and talk with the Senator from Maryland County and also 5 or 6 others in connection or position with the Liberian Government. Also attending the breakfast was Neil Anderson and his team. It has been such an awesome experience spending time with and listening to Dr. Anderson speak. It is obvious that God is moving through him and it was such a great opportunity to listen to him share his testimony this morning.

After we left the breakfast we came back to Christine’s compound to relax for a bit before dinner at a Lebanese restaurant. The restaurant was called Sajj and I think everyone on the team has found a new love for Lebanese food. Deb from Orphan Relief and Rescue was able to join us along with a friend of theirs visiting from Holland.

From Sajj we headed out of town to visit Pastor Joshua. Joshua is a former Sr. General from the war whose life has been transformed by God and he is now a strong follower of Christ and a traveling evangelist. After driving for about 45 min we hit some really bad traffic. There is only one road that leads to the town he lives in and it was completely blocked. It would have taken us hours just to get through the intersection. We decided it would be best to turn around and head back since it was already getting late. Today we learned that you should not plan anything that you have to drive to on Saturday nights in Liberia. The traffic here on Saturday nights makes Atlanta rush hour seem like a piece of cake. At least in Atlanta if a car is in the way and the driver won’t move, people don’t take it upon themselves to move that car by pushing it with their car. It was a very interesting ride home to say the least.

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