Monday, June 13, 2011

Brad- The Weekend (Day 7 & 8)

Looking back on our first week here in Liberia as a leader I must say that I am extremely proud of our team. It is difficult to put all that has taken place thus far into words, but it is extremely evident that God is on the move. We have chosen to focus on prayer and leadership for this mission, and as I raise up the individuals on our team to be leaders, they are equipping the people of Liberia. I am extremely encouraged by the way each person on my team continues to step up when they are call to lead. From my eyes it looks as though God has spent the last week giving my team the faith and trust in him for what he will be doing during our final week here. I hear God more clearly now than I ever have, and I can say with full confidence that he is going to move in a supernatural way this week. For those of you who continue to cover our team in prayer be reading and praying over Acts 3. God will be using our team as he used Peter and John to heal to the crippled man, so get ready, because we are fully prepared and expectant.

Saturday (Day 7)

Our fun day was selected as Saturday so the day was planned with different things to give the team some rest spiritually after a full week of ministry. It was a busy day, but a day that didn’t carry the heart- tugging weight of our previous days. Waking up we headed to the market around 10: 30 which was eventful, then to the beach for some body surfing/ relaxation, and then to our NGO reception that night.

The Market

Going to the Waterside Market here was a sight for our team just driving in. It was fun for me hearing all the different explanations of what we were looking at. It was an absolute cluster of people and materials, but everything seemed to have its place amongst the commotion. The market was more for the local people than it was for tourists or missionaries looking for souvenirs and gifts; which is great for Liberia, but a difficult place to shop for missionaries. It was like trying to find an authentic or hand-made gift in a Wal-Mart or gas station. Despite not being the main audience this market was attempting ot attract, our team managed to find some pretty cool gifts and keepsakes.

The Beach

After getting our fill of the market we headed to the Kendeja Hotel and Myrtle Beach for a quick swim. The waves were pretty rough during the afternoon, so it was fun seeing the team get beat-up by the waves. I wasn’t able to get in touch with Matthew and our new friends to bring the surf boards, so there was no surfing for us, but we were able to body surf some pretty good waves. Letting loose and being in the ocean was a needed release for the team. We will be surfing next time we go though.

The NGO Reception

Leaving Myrtle Beach we headed home to clean up, eat, and leave for the NGO Reception. The reception was held at our friend Keith Chapman’s home at the ELWA compound. It was a great reception with people representing a wide range of organizations working in Liberia. It blessed me and the team to see the different ways and different people God is using to move here in this country. Everyone present was encouraged to see others who understand the hard work that it is to be in ministry, especially in a foreign land. After sharing desserts and stories those remaining at the party gathered together to pray. I truly believe that there is something powerful when those carrying the weight of their own ministry come to God with others carrying a similar load.

Those represented at the reception:

• 12Stone Church- Water’s Edge
• Service to Servants
• United States Army
• United States Air Force
• Samaritan’s Purse
• Orphan Relief and Rescue
• Rafiki Village
• Baptist Mission
• Christian Aid
• ELWA Hospital
• Wheaton College

Sunday (Day 8)

Greater Love Church with Pastor Wesley

For our Sunday worship we went to Greater Love Church, this is the same place where we did our radio interviews earlier in the week. Pastor Wesley was such a blessing to me personally in the way that he preached the Gospel. He was straight forward and without any of the common fluff that I have become accustomed to hearing back home. He presented the Bible as is and trusted that the truth was enough for his congregation to hear. With sharing the Gospel of Jesus he also preached on John 15:18 and the persecution of Jesus. He preached strongly against the prosperity teaching that he says in becoming very popular here in Liberia. Him speaking on how if the world hates us as Christians it is because they first hated Christ Jesus was fit his character perfectly. I can’t say enough about the man. If I lived in Liberia, he would be my pastor.

Another blessing for our team was that Sunday was a baptism service. Leading up to the trip I prayed to see people come to faith in Jesus and to be baptized, so Sunday was an answer to that prayer. It is cool for me individually that people were baptized at the Water’s Edge service prior to our team leaving, and we come to Liberia to see more people baptized. There were 12 young adults that went through the baptism class at Greater Love and were baptized Sunday. What an enormous blessing for our team to see. I am so thankful that God continues to move and answer prayer throughout our trip.

We left Pastor Wesley with some 12Stone cd’s for the radio station and $1 that God will be multiplying. I am so thankful that my team got to be a part of the service and be witnesses to what God is doing in Liberia and through Pastor Wesley.

The team headed back to Christine’s for some much needed rest after church as we took full advantage of our Sabbath. It was good to rest, and re-center personally and corporately. We ended the day of rest with a team meeting that consisted of me opening personally and then sharing what God had laid on my heart for the following week. The Scripture continues to be Acts 3 and I truly believe God will be working through our team to physically heal those that we will be coming across at ELWA and JFK hospitals.

***Please continue to pray that our team will walk in obedience as we long to know him more through our service here. Be reading over Acts 3 and Matthew 6 also so your prayers can be aligned with what God is speaking to the team.

Thanks and God Bless,
Brad Chahoy


Anonymous said...


It is so exciting to read what God is doing in Liberia. I know the team is honored to be serving there. I am reading Acts 3 and praying for miracles to happen. Just as God used Peter to heal a lame man, HE can use us if HE chooses! Keep winning souls to CHRIST!!! I love you (and Taylor) MOM : )

Aadriana15 said...

Brad, I am so happy to here that God is on the move in Liberia! I'll continue to pray for the team. See you soon,-Amanda O'Connor