Sunday, June 10, 2012

A delightful Sunday

What a great Sunday. :) Today we went to Robert Cuppah's Church, he is a long time friend of ours and also one of our drivers who helps us get around. It was a wonderful experience with much joyful worship and such a welcoming congregation. We had a time of walking around meeting people and shaking hands as well as each one of us standing-up and stating who we are, where we're from and who invited us. We also were blessed to be apart of the service. Dave said the opening prayer; Hogan, Miatta and I each read verses from the bible; Zac and Erica shared their testimonies; Danielle sung and played a worship song; Dan delivered the message; and Rodney said the closing benediction. The message was about servant leadership and the verses that we read were: 1Kings 12: 1-13, Acts 6: 1-4, John 17: 1-22. Dan did a wonderful job talking about the importance of servant Leadership and how to apply it to your life.

After church we said bye to Dan as he headed off to the Airport to head back home. We are so incredibly thankful to have him as a part of our team and have him teach two days of leadership training. We then headed to the Royal Hotel for a delicious Sunday buffet, we really enjoyed the food, it's amazing how much you appreciate things such as broccoli, and salad when you haven't had it in over a week. We got full on lots of yummy food from hummus to fettuccine Alfredo and of course delicious eclairs for dessert.

We then headed back to the compound and Dave, Miatta, Danielle, Zac and Erica headed to the beach for some relaxation time (except for Zac who went to do an intense running work-out). While Me, Jonathan, Hogan, and Miatta stayed at the compound- had some great discussions relaxed at the house and spent time in the neighborhood. Jonathan and Hogan played futbol with Jerimiah (who works at our compound). Miatta and I watched the boys play Futbol and walked around and met people in the neighborhood.

After we got back Tony was arriving!! We were so excited to see him and were glad he arrived safely with no trouble getting here. We had a great dinner with much laughter and random conversations (which is pretty normal). We spend some good time discussing the day together after-wards. I always enjoy hearing how God is working in everybody's lives each day and revealing himself in such unique ways.

Now I am sitting in the living room with Danielle, Zac, and Jonathan: Danielle and Zac have been having a good time attempting to writie a song together and Jonathan and I have been amused by their ideas. Everybody else is back in their rooms getting rest for the next day ahead of us. Tomorrow we'll be heading out to orphanages with Orphan Relief and Rescue to work with the younger children. Can't wait to share about it with you tomorrow!

God Bless,

Dan delivering the message.
The SEC choir during service. 

Our team at the Royal Hotel for lunch.

Walking to the Futbol field.

A local boy climbing a coconut tree.

Jonathan giving a futbol to a Jerimiah's Coach.

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