Sunday, January 10, 2010


Hello all!

We are home. Everyone is safe. All luggage was delivered on time.

Thank you for your prayers thus far, and for all the encouraging words from so many people about the blog. You all have been such an active part of this trip and I can't hardly express how much your prayers and participation have meant. Continue to pray that everyone will readjust to home and American culture well. Pray that God speaks to our friends and families through our experiences. Pray that He stirs our hearts for the next adventure, and speaks to us about our purpose in the life He has given us.

I pray that He will reward and bless you deeply, enrich your life with His tangible presence, and give you opportunities to see Him in the far corners of the world. Or in the near ones.


Hopefully, lots of pictures and videos will be posted here in the coming days, and maybe some words.



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