Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Waiting Game

I wish I could show you where I am right now. It’s nothing special really—bright blue carpet shielding concrete floors, rows of bench seating and sleepy people—but it just seems like how the beginning of a journey should feel. We’ve made it to the Chicago O’Hare airport, which means we have about 2 of our 18 hours of flying out of the way. A daunting amount of travel lies ahead of us, currently held out of our reach by the 2 hour delay on our connecting flight to Belgium. We arrived here around 2PM (Central), and continue to find ways to stay busy (and awake) until our flight at (tentatively) 7:10PM.

I guess that’s where the adventure feeling is coming from—something has already thrown a wrench in our plans. A 2 hour delay is, granted, not a big deal at all in the grand scheme of a 24 hour trip, but something about our whole team wandering around the infinite clusters of terminals and food courts has been more fun than just jumping from one flight to another. It’s a bonding experience, at the very least! Here are some glimpses of what’s happened so far...


photos by Amy Lyford

So, that’s the update for now. Thank you for keeping up with us already. Getting through security and all the technical details of our travels have been perfectly smooth so far—thank you God! We’ll just be playing cards and reading books and trying not to fall asleep until further notice.

Pray that we’ll be able to get this Belgiam plane in time to make it to our Monrovia flight at 12PM Brussels time (6AM Eastern, 7AM Central). Pray for patience with one another as we get sleepier and sleepier along the way, and pray that God would speak His purposes into each of our heart. It can be easy to get lost in to world of transit and forget the One whose love compels us; pray that He would minister to and through us even as we wait.

We love you all and I am so grateful for your prayers. When people tell me how admirable it is that I am going to be a missionary in Africa, I can’t help but think that really I am being given an enormous gift. To me, there is nobility in your steadfast support and prayers for this team. We know that God will shake everything that can be shaken when we pray—thank you for going before Him on our behalf! Can’t wait to tell you more as more takes place.

Love from Chicago,



Unknown said...

Best wishes on your travel, Annie. I hope your travel goes better than ours did. We did, however, finally reach our destination and I'm sure you will, too. God bless you on your endeavors. Can't wait to hear more!

malinda said...

Hey Annie,

We are so thankful you guys are there! Please give kayla a big hug from me and her dad and cousin sadie. We are praying for you all. So thankful for your updates. Love to all!! Malinda Foote

Ann Lewis said...

I am convinced that God answers the prayers of Mothers and Grandmothers! You are covered!