Monday, December 28, 2009


We made it!

Currently, I am sitting in the host home where we will be staying for the next 10 days. Yes, I am finally on Liberian soil! After 30 hours worth of travel and transit, it feels wonderful to be at our destination rather than going towards it. Thank you for all of your prayers over our transportation--I'm not sure I'll be able to fully convey how much it means to know that we're covered so thoroughly, all the time. And believe me, we need it! Let me catch you up on the last 24 hours.

Immediately after the last blog was written, our plane was in the gate. Finally. The flight across the Atlantic went smoothly, excepting the fact that most of us hardly slept a wink, and we were still behind schedule due to the 2 hour delay. Upon our arrival in Brussels, we were told to run (yes, run) to the T69 gate if we wanted to avoid the 2 day wait for the next Monrovia flight. Security lines were long. Two of us got searched, for unknown reasons. When finally we were all released, things were absolutely down to the wire. We stood waiting in the empty gate, praying that God would somehow get us through. The plane was loaded, but there must have been fifteen others standing with us, wondering if we should start booking our 2 day stay in Belgium. Finally, the attendant looked at us and said "I'm not going to give you boarding passes... the gate is telling me to just let you through."

So, looking at each other in amazed relief, we boarded our plane. Just like that. Thank you God!

Even more amazing, perhaps, is that every single piece of our luggage came through, when only a few days ago, some of our teammates who came early didn't get a single bag. Thank you, again!

Now it is 11:32PM Liberia time, and we have all been fed a very gracious meal by our hosts, and are off to bed. Pray for our sleep, as we are time-zone disoriented, and also because it is so unbelievably hot here. I can't wait to tell you more about the country itself... I've been here only a few hours, and already my mind can't wrap itself around what I've heard and seen.

Love from Liberia (finally!),



Sean Lovett said...

YAY! I am so happy to hear you have made it!! What an intense travel story. Must be crazy going from snow in Chicago to super hot in Liberia! What an experience I can only imagine how draining it can be, but nothing you can't handle I'd bet! I am so glad to hear God has been there every step so far to make this trip such a amazing experience and example of what faith can do!! Well Annie, I can't wait to read your next entry!!! You and your group will be in my thoughts and prayers :)

Mary Morgan said...

Praise God you are there safely. We prayed all during the day yesterday knowing you were in the air. We will continue to do that until you are safely home. We are so excited and we love reading your blogs. Makes us feel a little bit like we are there with you. You know we love you much!
By the way, our correct email address is
I don't know if you can change it at this late date. Get some rest.
Love, Grandma

Mary Anne Morgan said...

more, more, tell us more!!!

EmilyMarieKirk said...

I can't express how excited I am for all of ya'll. You are all in my prayers each day! ...Now use that in and out internet and shaky generator to post some pictures! ;-)