Friday, January 2, 2009

Strike a Pose

My Small Group Today "Striking a Pose"
Because they are protected children, we couldn't take pictures of their faces.
We called the boys in the bush tonight to check up on them. It turns out that they have already finished the generator house (all but the roof), and they already layed the wiring and started the generator. That is incredible. They had a lot of help from people there, and they are right on time, so we'll be seeing them again tomorrow night.

Good News! Brent's bag came today!! <--- the faithfulness of God, right there.

All we are really missing now is a tool bag, but God has been faithful to provide all the tools we need so far. :)

Belynn, Miles and I went to THINK again today, the transistion and counseling home for physically and sexually abused children. The moment we walked in the door we were all attacked(!) with hugs. Belynn and I had already been there on Wednesday, and it was so good to see them again. This time we were a little bit more prepared since on Wednesday we had no idea what to expect. Today we sang songs , played games, read them "The Good Samaritan", and split the kids up into small groups to ask them questions about the story. Belynn took the younger kids, and I took the older kids while Miles took a tour of the place with Theresa, the supervisor. Belynn and I were both excited to talk to each other about our small group time. I think God really ended up using that time to touch their hearts.We both had the oppurtunity to look each kid in the face to tell them that God loves them, they are clean and spotless in his sight because of Jesus, and that we believe that they can overcome and be great through humility in their lives. It really was a beautiful thing. I am so amazed by God.
PRAYER REQUEST FOR TONIGHT: This was not in our plans, but THINK does not have electricity or a working generator, and we have access to one that we could give them. We are tempted to just run over there and give it to them, but we're trying not to make the decision in our own emotion, and it's not such a simple decision. Please pray that God would reveal his will to us. It's his generator, and we want to do what he wants.
The crew at Diana Davies (Emily, Dave and Jose) have everything complete in their generator shed except the roof and the wiring. They're hoping to be done with that early tomorrow.
Emly's Thoughts on Liberia so far:
"Liberia has been what I expected and not what I expected all at the same time. Being around fellow believers here makes me feel at home, but I also feel so much darkness here. I knew this to be true before coming, but I know it even more so now--the future of Liberia is dependent on the condition of its citizen's hearts. It overwhelms me each time I speak to someone and hear what their experience was in the war. Today, on the way to Diana Davies Orphanage, we crossed a bridge and the driver pointed out the bullet holes that pierced the metal of the bridge;there were hundreds. But the past 3 days at Diana Davies has shown me what it looks like to start over. I have never had the desire to say 'God Bless You' to anyone more than she. She is raising these 35 kids as her own, providing them with a wonderful education including the arts, and they are all so well-mannered. It is impossible not to fall in love with them. I am ready to see what the second half of this trip brings...I believe there is much stretching, growth and heartbreak to come."
Specific Prayer Requests
  • Pray that the Bush Boys (Rodney, Matt, Brent, Collin and Yanni) would finshed their task, minister with Holy Spirit love and power to the people around them, and make it back safe tomorrow.
  • Pray for us girls and Miles as we go to "Orphan Relief and Rescue" in Monrovia. We haven't been their yet, but Belynn and Emily have been in touch with the missionaries there for the last 6 monthes. Pray that we would be able to deeply encourage and strengthen the missionaries who work there long term, and that the kids would tangibly experience the love of God as their Father. "I will not leave you as orphans. I will come to you." John 14:18


Margaret said...

You all are amazing! God's love is shining through each and every one of you and the Liberian's are picking up His vibes! :) Keep up the awesome work!! You guys/girls are the best!:)

Anonymous said...

May you be encouraged today! May He give you His eyes for just one second and His heart to feel for the broken hearted.

My prayer for you is that the people there will truly see that there is Someone who loves them deeply... May you feel the prayers of all who are praying for you and may you come home changed. HE is truly moving and using you all as His instruments for restoration. May you have strength for today...God Bless

Andrew said...

Mission accomplished! It was a joy to meet you guys, and you definitely encouraged Deb and I with your energy and verve. I hope this is only the first of many trips for you and 12Stone!