Saturday, January 3, 2009

Brent and Dixon

So the bush boys came back today in time for dinner. As it turns out their trip was really successful. Tomorrow morning we go to church. We're splitting the group in half, and we're going to two of the churches where we've put generators.

Brent's Experience of Liberia:

"My experience in Liberia has not been what I expected. God has taught me so much through the people, and their willingness to serve, and their ability to love you as if I had been here my whole life. I've really enjoyed getting to know and build relationships with the people we're around on a daily basis. For example, getting to know our drivers and Dixon, who is the houseboy at the Norman's compound. Dixon has been teaching me "Kissi", which is one of sixteen dialects in Liberia. It's neat to see how God works through relationships that God gives us the opportunity to have.

My prayer is that I will take advantage of each relational opportunity that he gives me, so that I may serve and love others more."


"Brent has been a very good friend to me, and he has surprised me by wishing to learn about people and their culture. I enjoy Brent's pronunciation when I'm teaching him one of the most important dialects in our country, which is Kissi.

My first dream for Liberia is for all the people to accept the Lord as their personal Lord and Savior. The second thing is, to eliminate the illiteracy by providing free education to every child of this soil, and to provide job opportunities for "war affected" youth, and disabled people. It is my dream to become a counselor for war affected youth. Please pray that God will give me favor in this dream, and that God would provide the way. I want to see Liberia build schools, hospitals, better roads, and rebuild our economic systems."

Prayer Request
  • A few of us are feeling "under-the-weather". We have some "digestive" problems. Please pray that God would bring healing and balance to our bodies soon.
  • We have church tomorrow. Please pray for the two churches we are going to, that we would leave them encouraged and strengthened by the Holy Spirit.

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