Today was another very full and intense day of ministry as our team split again to go out to Diana Davies Orphanage (Brent, Jeremiah, Amy, Lindi, and Dave) and THINK Abuse Shelter (Annie, Danielle, Jesse, Kayla, and Dimitri). At THINK, God lessened the burden of tragedy on many of our hearts, but for some it was a day of struggle with the devastation around us. The Diana Davies crew returned again with happiness to spare, so overwhelmed with the joy of ministry that they got to take part in. Overall, there were so many captivating stories that I thought it would be best to just let the team tell you themselves. Here are some of the things we’ve heard and seen...
Jesse & Elizabeth’s Story
“Elizabeth is six years old. She has beautiful facial features and a sweet spirit. I observed her day begin lying naked on a small trampoline next to two other boys who are also naked. Next, she is pulled from the trampoline to be bathed in a round tin tub, dried, and then wrapped with a cloth diaper and onesie. Once she is dressed for the day, she is placed on a ripped mattress in the corner of a closed off porch. There, she lays flat on her back with flies swarming around her head.
While Elizabeth is six years old, she can’t physically hold her head up. To say it was difficult to see this is quite the understatement. But, in the midst of a confused and broken heart, God gave me courage to sit by her and begin touching her skin. She looked at me and I was certain that she was aware of my presence. After a few minutes of this, God lead me to pick her up. I’m not sure why I was shocked, but as I put her in my arms, her head fell limp like an infant who can’t support their own head. While her body was limp like an infant, it stretched longer than my lap. I let her head rest on my shoulder and sat in a chair to allow her to see the rest of the kids playing and also to sit in the light of the sun.
I tried to talk to God about Elizabeth as I held her, but my heart broke faster than I imagined. Tears came on quicker than I expected and I stopped praying before I could remember what I was asking God for. God blessed my heart by holding Elizabeth yesterday. I know that the touch she experienced by me, and then by Annie and Kayla today has already impacted her. She has started to smile, and with the help of Annie was able to hold her head up. I know that God is with Elizabeth, and that she will be dancing in heaven one day.” Jesse Stanford
Jeremiah & Detomu’s Story

“When you meet Detomu Paye, you will notice his amazing smile and the limp he has when he walks, but the story of his past is one that is covered with sorrow and God’s love. The Diana E. Davies Orphanage is not the first orphanage Detomu was put into, it is actually his second. The first one he was put into neglected and abused him. They gave him only enough food to keep him alive, abused him mentally and physically, and would stick needles into him with who knows what in them. It was like this for many years before God moved him to where he is now. I have grown close to him through playing soccer and talking about the Bible, so his last parting gift to me was a picture of a soccer field that he had drawn. Detomu’s story is a reminder of what God’s grace looks like for us.” Jeremiah Klinect
Amy & Prince’s Story

"When we went to THINK on MOnday for the first time, we had no idea what God was going to show us and press on our hearts. I basically fell in love. We saw a little boy tied up to a rail and asked about his story. His name is Prince and he is 6 years old, had not spoken for a year, and only ate his food after he had thrown it on the floor. He was tied up to that he could not roam around, pick up random things, and try to eat them. He has been at THINK since June and was at another place before that, but probably not for long. He was found on the streets where he was abandoned and managed to take care of himself for who knows how long. Dimitri decided to untie him and play with him, and at first Prince just sat with us for a little while and loved holding our hands. After a while of being with him, holding him and singing him songs, he started to respond to me more. He has so many expressions and you could tell he knew what was going on around him. We would clap together during songs and he called me 'mama' many times during that day, speaking for the first time in months. I could hardly believe it! Altogether, he said 'mama' to me at least 5 times and said 'yes' twice! Having Prince speak to me after such a long silence gave me a sense of comfort ad joy that is indescribable. He also ate out of a bowl while I held it, and even held it himself without throwing his food on the ground. It was extremely hard to part with him because I knew he would be tied up again, but God did something beautiful that day. This is only the beginning of how Prince's life can be changed and how he has changed us all." Amy Lyford
Pray that God continues to soften and strengthen us, and that He would increase our faith to pray boldly and accurately according to His Spirit. Pray that tomorrow He would lead us organizationally as the teams are going to be split differently than they have been the last two days. Pray that He would fill us in the morning before we go out, and fill us continually throughout the day. Pray for everything in His heart to come rushing out of our hearts and hands and mouths and movements. Pray that our hearts would be guarded against selfishness, judgments, envy, pride, and anything else the enemy would use to keep us from participating fully in what God is doing. And please include our new friend Florence in all of your prayers for the THINK team, as well as the women who serve at the orphanages we’ll be visiting.
Team split for tomorrow...
Orphan Relief and Rescue (Kayla, Dimitri, Danielle, Dave, and Lindi)
THINK (Jesse, Brent, Jeremiah, Annie, and Amy)
And just for smiling’s sake, Danielle and I got to experience a real African dance party today. They mostly laughed at us, but I think Danielle really impressed them with her ability to follow their moves! It was so much fun, and the whole place was just filled with the joy of dancing together.
Don’t forget to check Lindi’s blog at, and Rodney’s blog at
Love to you all! We’ll be home soon.
Jesse & Elizabeth’s Story
“Elizabeth is six years old. She has beautiful facial features and a sweet spirit. I observed her day begin lying naked on a small trampoline next to two other boys who are also naked. Next, she is pulled from the trampoline to be bathed in a round tin tub, dried, and then wrapped with a cloth diaper and onesie. Once she is dressed for the day, she is placed on a ripped mattress in the corner of a closed off porch. There, she lays flat on her back with flies swarming around her head.
While Elizabeth is six years old, she can’t physically hold her head up. To say it was difficult to see this is quite the understatement. But, in the midst of a confused and broken heart, God gave me courage to sit by her and begin touching her skin. She looked at me and I was certain that she was aware of my presence. After a few minutes of this, God lead me to pick her up. I’m not sure why I was shocked, but as I put her in my arms, her head fell limp like an infant who can’t support their own head. While her body was limp like an infant, it stretched longer than my lap. I let her head rest on my shoulder and sat in a chair to allow her to see the rest of the kids playing and also to sit in the light of the sun.
I tried to talk to God about Elizabeth as I held her, but my heart broke faster than I imagined. Tears came on quicker than I expected and I stopped praying before I could remember what I was asking God for. God blessed my heart by holding Elizabeth yesterday. I know that the touch she experienced by me, and then by Annie and Kayla today has already impacted her. She has started to smile, and with the help of Annie was able to hold her head up. I know that God is with Elizabeth, and that she will be dancing in heaven one day.” Jesse Stanford
Jeremiah & Detomu’s Story
“When you meet Detomu Paye, you will notice his amazing smile and the limp he has when he walks, but the story of his past is one that is covered with sorrow and God’s love. The Diana E. Davies Orphanage is not the first orphanage Detomu was put into, it is actually his second. The first one he was put into neglected and abused him. They gave him only enough food to keep him alive, abused him mentally and physically, and would stick needles into him with who knows what in them. It was like this for many years before God moved him to where he is now. I have grown close to him through playing soccer and talking about the Bible, so his last parting gift to me was a picture of a soccer field that he had drawn. Detomu’s story is a reminder of what God’s grace looks like for us.” Jeremiah Klinect
Amy & Prince’s Story
"When we went to THINK on MOnday for the first time, we had no idea what God was going to show us and press on our hearts. I basically fell in love. We saw a little boy tied up to a rail and asked about his story. His name is Prince and he is 6 years old, had not spoken for a year, and only ate his food after he had thrown it on the floor. He was tied up to that he could not roam around, pick up random things, and try to eat them. He has been at THINK since June and was at another place before that, but probably not for long. He was found on the streets where he was abandoned and managed to take care of himself for who knows how long. Dimitri decided to untie him and play with him, and at first Prince just sat with us for a little while and loved holding our hands. After a while of being with him, holding him and singing him songs, he started to respond to me more. He has so many expressions and you could tell he knew what was going on around him. We would clap together during songs and he called me 'mama' many times during that day, speaking for the first time in months. I could hardly believe it! Altogether, he said 'mama' to me at least 5 times and said 'yes' twice! Having Prince speak to me after such a long silence gave me a sense of comfort ad joy that is indescribable. He also ate out of a bowl while I held it, and even held it himself without throwing his food on the ground. It was extremely hard to part with him because I knew he would be tied up again, but God did something beautiful that day. This is only the beginning of how Prince's life can be changed and how he has changed us all." Amy Lyford
Pray that God continues to soften and strengthen us, and that He would increase our faith to pray boldly and accurately according to His Spirit. Pray that tomorrow He would lead us organizationally as the teams are going to be split differently than they have been the last two days. Pray that He would fill us in the morning before we go out, and fill us continually throughout the day. Pray for everything in His heart to come rushing out of our hearts and hands and mouths and movements. Pray that our hearts would be guarded against selfishness, judgments, envy, pride, and anything else the enemy would use to keep us from participating fully in what God is doing. And please include our new friend Florence in all of your prayers for the THINK team, as well as the women who serve at the orphanages we’ll be visiting.
Team split for tomorrow...
Orphan Relief and Rescue (Kayla, Dimitri, Danielle, Dave, and Lindi)
THINK (Jesse, Brent, Jeremiah, Annie, and Amy)
And just for smiling’s sake, Danielle and I got to experience a real African dance party today. They mostly laughed at us, but I think Danielle really impressed them with her ability to follow their moves! It was so much fun, and the whole place was just filled with the joy of dancing together.
Don’t forget to check Lindi’s blog at, and Rodney’s blog at
Love to you all! We’ll be home soon.
My heart is so heavy for you! I know you are seeing things that you never wanted to, but remember how big and great your God is. He is so much bigger and He will carry you and them. I love you and am praying for you all as you carry out your final days there. I will be glad to have my arms around you again when you hit Georgia soil!
Thanks for another great update! I'm sure I'm like every other parent out there and wait anxiously for each update. It gives me such wisdom in knowing how to pray. I have to be honest with you, I cried buckets of tears as I read your latest update. My mommy's heart wanted to be there with you to hold and comfort each of the little ones. It also reminded me so much of how Katie and Anna were when we first adopted them. "I tell you the truth. Anything you did for any of my people here, you also did for me."
Continue to give yourself away Annie. God's grace toward us, allowing us to be part of His bigger plan is always such a beautiful and complex work of art. What He is doing in the hearts of those you guys are ministering to as well as your own hearts is a Masterpiece. I love you.
Wow, I wept tonight as I read the updates from you day today. It was so neat and so special to hear how God is using each of you there in Liberia. Know that you continue to be in our hearts and in our prayers. Make the most out of your last few days there. A passage of scripture for you...
Romans 12:1-2
Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Tell Dimitri I am proud of him...
In Him,
Wow, Annie all your updates have meant the world to the Foote family. We have cried, laughed and rejoiced in reading them. You have such a God given talent!!! Please know daily we are lifting you all in our prayers. God is in control of all of you. Lean on Him! Tell Kayla her family loves her and is so proud of her. Here is a HUG!!!!! Love you MAE!!!
Hello little girl Jesse! Again the watery stuff began seeping from my eyes today as I read your story about Elizabeth. I know she felt your touch and your love - and I know even if you couldn't say the words - that God felt your heart crys for this little girl you held. I love you endlessly and you're in my prayers continuously as are the other team members. I can't wait to hear more when you're back at home. I wonder how you'll walk away from that world - back into this one. I suppose you'll just have to leave a little bit of your heart there. Love you, Mom...........
The words of Jesus are being fulfilled in your experiences - "As you have done to the least of these you have done to me also". The reports of your ministry experiences have a similar effect on us as we read as you struggle to find the words to share your heart. So many thoughts of words of encouragement - lessons learned - heavy hearts - proud parents.... what can I share? Should I share anything? The blessing is that we can share in your ministry as we pray, weep, hurt, and rejoice with you. I am reminded of Paul's words in Rom. 8:26 when he says that "we do not know how to pray as we should but the Spirit intercedes for us with groans too deep for words". To the team - the stories you have shared are blessing us more than we can say.
Jesse, as I read your story my heart is filled with .....many emotions - God is truly faithful and His purpose is being fulfilled in you as you follow His lead. Like Mom I cannot wait to sit and talk with you about...everything. Love ya ...Dad
Sweet tears are wept as I read your updates and to get visiualize God's handprint in each story on each life young and old. It truly is amazing to hear the stories and to hear what God is doing within each in everyone of you and around you. Our prayers are with you all. Continue to keep doing His Sweet Work...
Words can't begin to describe the impact you guys are having in Liberia right now, although Annie gets pretty stinkin close! I am praying for you all. Liberia is close to my heart an so are you all. Continue doing kingdom size things while in Africa. God is doing an unseen work in and through you guys. Shazam!!!
Dearest Annie, This is Jesse's Nana, and I too want to let you know how very much your updates have ment to me. I Love each and everyone of you, and am so proud of you all, and hope to meet you all one day. I like all have sit and read each one over and over, and cry as I read.We have a wonderful Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and we do not understand how he does all miracles, of just letting these you are there to minister to know what you say and fell, but when they look up at you and smile,you know,there goes another miracle. Jesse I love you very much and can't wait to hear all. God Loves each of you. Nana
kayla & team...Im so proud of you guys and I hope your trip is as amazing as ours was! God is truly so good and is always with us!! Kayla butt I miss you tons and cant wait to see you! praying for you guys!!
We know that the Lord is with you. Your calming touch is one that the children will not forget. Their smiles are God's gift to you.
We are all praying for you and your team's safety. We are also rejoicing in your ministry to this community.
With tears in our eyes we are praising God for each one of you.
Love you,
Jesse's Cousin Deborah
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