Ok, I don't know if you have ever tried to go to Africa before, but it's more difficult then it looks. :) Everything is MIRACLES to us poor college kids. The way that God is blessing us is beautiful, and we are seriously thankful to all of you who have said even just a word of prayer for us because God is responding.
All 10 of us have our airfare money for Liberia, and the tickets are bought! WE ARE SO EXCITED! I'm telling you- The week before the airfare money was due, we just saw miracle after miracle after miracle, and we praise God for our faithful supporters this far. We truely love you, and are so grateful for you!
Now the remainder of the money we will raise will go directly towards our living expenses and ministry! We have only 6 weeks before we need the rest of the money in [$11,757], so PLEASE include us in your prayers. We only have 2 monthes we leave! Please pray that God's will would be done in the greatest ways for the people of Liberia!
I don't want these brave young people's stories to be forgotten. So in an effort to glorify God for his provision so far, let me introduce you to a few people in our Liberia Mission Team Family... :)
Dimitri Iliadis
A couple weeks ago, Dimitri needed...a lot, and yet he was so clearly dependent on God. God gifted him in only the way that a Father dotes on a son that he's truely proud of. It was so cool to watch!

"My name is Dimitri and I am a native of Greece now involved in Water's Edge and have the amazing opportunity to go to Liberia with the team. My biggest set back and fear in the upcoming trip to Liberia was the fundraising, I doubted that I would have ability to raise nearly enough money for this trip. God has provided money for me on this trip when I doubted and thought it was impossible. He has shown me that He is faithful, and He is good, and my doubts of His provision will never stop Him from proving himself to me. He has been and still is blowing me away with His greatness."
Amy Lyford
Amy is a beautiful, incredible joy. It's know wonder that she has found favor with so many loving people. Thank you for praying for and supporting Amy!
"Knowing I had to raise a lot of money through sharing my story with others and actually asking others for money was a scary thought at the beginning. I've always had a hard time sharing my spiritual story. I was always scared of what somebody would think, and I had no idea if people would respond positively to me asking them for money. After I sent out most of my letters, I was told almost every week that I got money in for my trip! Not only that, but people loved hearing my story! This process has really shown me how important every single one of our stories is. You never know who was inspired by your story or not because you were too scared of them judging you. I also grew in faith that God would provide and that people really do care enough about me and believe in me enough to support me to go on a mission trip! This is just the beginning I can't wait to see how God continues to grow me through this journey!"
Jeremiah Klinect
If we gave out an award for getting the most people involved--it would go to Jeremiah. He has an infectious passion for ministry in Africa, and he is such a joy to have in our Liberia Mission Team Family. THANK YOU if you have supported him! God is doing something lifechanging in his heart. Please pray for him. :) I'm excited to see what God is going to do in him!

"God is faithful in all things! He is giving me many opportunities to earn or receive money to fund this trip. It is amazing to see what God is planning. With earning money, God has provided some landscaping jobs and recently a second job at Dick’s Sporting Goods. In donations, I had about 35 of the 80 support letters help me by giving money, and almost all the people I sent letters to are keeping the Liberia team and me in their prayers. As PK always says “God is good all the time, and all the time God is good."
1 comment:
As always an excellent posting.The
way you write is awesome.Thanks. Adding more information will be more useful.
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