HAPPY NEW YEAR!! We celebrated last night with candy, a countdown and we passed around a bottle of non-alcoholic sparkling grape juice! Whoo hoo! 2009! It may have been one of my most memorable New Years Eve moments.
This morning Matt, Brent, Collin, Yanni and Rodney went to "The Bush" to build a generator shed for a Catholic Seminary. They'll be roughing it for a few days in the middle of nowhere 5 hours away from Monrovia. They are really excited about their trip. We expect to see them back here on Saturday night, but they have a lot to do in the mean time. They made it there safe today, and they'll start their work tomorrow morning.
The rest of us went to the Diana Davies orphanage. Jose, Dave and Miles teamed up with older boys to work on the generator shed and dig a trench to the building, and took breaks to play with the kids. The rest of us girls played kickball, soccer, and coloring with the kids, and since part of the team was there yesterday, they were a lot more open to us today. Stacey was given the opportunity to talk to the older girls about all sorts of bible verses like "Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." and "The Lord is my husband, the LORD Almighty is his name." I admire Stacey so much because she speaks to these girls out of the overflow of her heart, and she was really able to connect with them.
Dave, Jose, Emily and Stacey will go back from their last day at Diana Davies Orphanage tomorrow. Please pray that the Lord would make a way for his spirit to connect personally to each kid. Pray that God would reveal himself to them as a loving and protective Father. God please be near to the orphans! Save their souls! Save their futures God! I pray that with your spirit in them that THEY would be hope and change for Liberia!
Also tomorrow Belynn and I, now accompanied by Miles, will be going back to THINK, The transition home for abused children. Please pray that the Lord would heal their broken hearts. As you pray allow the Father to fill your heart with the righteous anger, sadness, love and hope for these children. All of them are in there because they have been psychically or sexually abused. We only get one more day with these kids, and we are planning on doing a bible story on their worth and healing. Please pray that the Holy Spirit moves in their hearts and restores them!
[Good News/Bad News]: Matt's bags came in!!... Brent's did not. :( He's still just as happy as ever though, it's not holding him back one bit. Please continue praying that his bags will be recovered soon. It would be such a blessing.
Tete and Miles
1 comment:
Just to let you know, I picked up Elizabeth today at the Atlanta airport. Her bags were still in Brussels, but she is safe and sound. We spent lots of time talking about what is going on in Liberia. Can't wait to hear from everyone once you get back! BTW- took about 1.5 hours to get through customs. The plane came in at 1:45 and we didn't connect till close to 3:30pm! Praying for you all! Give my love to David.
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